Bible-St. Matthew

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Estimated date of authorship: ?
Estimated date when events of book occurred: 5 BC - 30 AD
Bible Book Category: Gospels
Outline (dates are approximate)

Timeframe What Happened Scripture
5 BC Birth of Jesus Matthew 1
5 BC Visit of the Magi Matthew 2
5 BC Escape to Egypt Matthew 2:13
4 BC Slaughter of Infants Matthew 2:16
4 BC Return to Nazareth Matthew 2:23
26 AD John the Baptist Prepares the Way Matthew 3
26 AD The Baptism of Jesus Matthew 3:13
27 AD Temptation of Jesus Matthew 4
27 AD Jesus Calls his First Disciples Matthew 4:18
27 AD Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5 - 7
28 AD Jesus Ministers in Galilee Matthew 8
28 AD Jesus Lord of the Sabbath Matthew 12
28 AD Jesus Answers John's Disciples Matthew 11
28 AD Jesus Speaks Many Parables Matthew 13
28 AD Jesus Heals a Demoniac Matthew 8:28
28 AD Jesus Heals a Paralytic Matthew 9
29 AD Jesus Sends out His Twelve Apostles Matthew 10
29 AD John the Baptist Beheaded Matthew 14
29 AD Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Matthew 14:15
29 AD Teachings on Clean and Unclean Matthew 15
29 AD Peter's Confession of Christ Matthew 16
29 AD The Transfiguration Matthew 17
29 AD Greatest and Least in the Kingdom Matthew 18
30 AD Final Journey to Jerusalem Matthew 19, 20
30 AD The Triumphal Entry Matthew 21
30 AD Closing Ministry in Jerusalem Matthew 22 - 25
30 AD Thursday Before Passover Matthew 26
30 AD Jesus' Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion Matthew 27
30 AD Jesus' Resurrection Matthew 28